The Indulgences of Isabelle Read online

Page 11

  'That was funny!' Portia giggled. 'But I think she should do it again.'

  'Yes,' Tiffany agreed. 'She didn't start until halfway through.'

  Eliza nodded, Portia gave a crow of sadistic delight and the awful music started again. This time I tried harder, determined not to give them the satisfaction of my embarrassment, wiggling my bottom and making my boobs bounce with almost as much enthusiasm as Katie, although the burning scarlet of my cheeks must have given away my true feelings.

  'Again!' Tiffany demanded as the music stopped once more. 'That is the funniest thing I have ever seen – and where did you get those costumes?'

  'No, that is enough,' Eliza said, to my immense relief.

  'There's a shop in Coventry,' Katie began, skipping over to Portia and Tiffany. 'You can get all sorts—'

  'No doubt,' Eliza remarked, throwing her a stern look. 'However, we need to consider the remainder of Isabelle's punishment. As we know, mentioning the society to somebody who has not yet been vetted means six of the cane, although I have now amended that to a spanking from everybody and six of the cane, as that was what Portia received. This case strikes me as similar, and so a similar punishment is required, if a rather sterner one. Isabelle's little dancing demonstration may be considered fair retribution for us having had to sit through an extended reading from Varney the Vampire, but for allowing Amy Jane Moffat to find out where and when we were meeting I suggest she be passed around for spanking—'

  'To everybody?' I interrupted.

  'To everybody, and in front of everybody,' Eliza answered, and her tone was enough to make me hang my head and mumble an apology as she went on. 'Unless any of you feel that it would be inappropriate for you to spank Isabelle?'

  Only Yazzie so much as hesitated. Tiffany gave a scornful laugh.

  'As I was saying,' Eliza continued, 'I suggest she be passed around for spanking, caned, then sent upstairs in disgrace for the rest of the party.'

  'That seems fair – generous, even,' Sarah said. 'Considering what might have happened if this Owl girl had realised what was going on.'

  There was a murmur of agreement, and I found myself making faces at the floor. It was awful. After all the effort I'd made to exert my sexuality I was now to be spanked, and by the very girls I wanted to look up to me, and all the while with pictures of me showing off my breasts and bottom on the computer screen. Eliza had stood up to place one of Dr Treadle's straight-backed chairs in the space where Katie and I had been dancing, a position that would ensure everybody had a good view of me getting my bottom smacked.

  'Most junior first?' Sarah suggested.

  'Ooh, that means me!' Tiffany said happily, jumping up.

  'It should really be Yazzie,' I said quickly, horrified by the thought of being put over Tiffany's knee.

  'Yazzie then, and Tiffany next,' Portia said, smirking at my discomfort.

  Yazzie had also stood up, although in a calm and dignified manner. Her voice was the same as she addressed me.

  'May I apologise for any discomfort or shame I am about to cause you, please, Isabelle Kyou?' she asked.

  I opened my mouth to point out that she obviously didn't care enough about my discomfort and shame to forgo the pleasure of spanking me, but I held back. At least she had the decency to realise that it wasn't really appropriate, while everybody else was happily awaiting their turn, even Katie.

  'Thank you,' I managed instead as Yazzie settled herself onto the spanking chair.

  She gave a polite nod. I stepped towards her, shaking badly. Being spanked by Eliza was one thing, but to be done by the junior girls, and in front of men, was infinitely worse.

  'Please unfasten your jeans,' Yazzie said, 'and take them down. Leave your chaps as they are.'

  I forced myself to obey, fumbling the button of my silly white trousers open. Only as I tried to push them down did I realise that for all her respectful manner Yazzie was in fact a sadistic little bitch. She'd told me to leave my chaps up, which meant that I couldn't get my jeans down properly, which left my panty-covered bottom sticking out through the gap in the chaps in a manner which I knew would look as rude as it did ridiculous.

  'Oh look!' Tiffany giggled. 'She's even got Stars and Stripes knickers!'

  'Which she will now take down,' Yazzie instructed. 'But first, she is to tuck her shirt up under her waistcoat.'

  I made a face, although it was really no worse having to take my own knickers down than to have them pulled down by Yazzie and I knew that there was no chance whatsoever of being allowed to keep them on. She really was evil, though, making sure that everybody got a full view, back and front, by making me tuck up my shirt. I obeyed anyway, too used to spanking rituals to do otherwise, while I was fairly sure that if I argued about anything Eliza and Sarah would do it for me, or would ask the men to.

  With my shirt tails tucked up, my ridiculous nylon panties were on full show, with every single person in the room watching as I stuck my thumbs into the waistband. Most of the observers seemed merely amused, and only Walter's face showed open lechery. But Tiffany was biting her lip in sadistic glee. Portia just looked smug.

  'Down they come,' she urged. 'Let's see pussy.'

  I threw a glare at her but pushed my panties down at the same moment to leave them in a tangle with my jeans. My bare bottom and front view were now framed in leather and in red, white and blue material.

  'Nice bum,' Tiffany remarked. 'You should show it off more often.'

  'I've been trying to tell her that for years,' Sarah put in. 'She has a lovely bottom, and it's such a waste not to make proper use of it while she's young. The way I see it, the pretty young girls should stay submissive and only take on dominant roles gradually, as they learn and mature.'

  'Oh, absolutely,' Tiffany agreed. 'I know that I'm a cutie and people will want to enjoy my body, so I'm going to make the best of it while I'm young. One has to be realistic about these things – although actually you too have a lovely body.'

  'Thank you,' Sarah replied. 'I do my best to keep in shape. But the important thing is that authority only really comes with age.'

  'Oh, absolutely,' Tiffany said again. 'Especially when it comes to spanking. I used to have an immense crush on the headmistress at Saint's, and my favourite fantasy was to be sent to her study for a good spanking. Although, come to think of it, imagining getting it from Matron was even better, because she was from Leeds, or somewhere like that, and she had a wonderfully rough manner—'

  'Do you two mind?' I interrupted. 'If I have to be spanked, at least have the decency to pay attention!'

  'Sorry,' Sarah said. 'Do carry on.'

  'Go across my knee,' Yazzie ordered.

  I was feeling thoroughly put out as I climbed into spanking position across her lap. She was so small that I didn't feel at all comfortable, and was forced to brace my hands and feet well apart to stay in place, which meant making a much ruder show from behind than I would have done otherwise. Yazzie put an arm around my waist and her hand settled on my bottom. I winced, the shame of my position flaring up to colour my cheeks and put a huge bubble in my throat.

  'How many smacks would be appropriate?' Yazzie asked.

  'As many as you like,' Eliza told her. 'There's no hurry, after all. But do remember that there are eleven of us.'

  'Of course, Iemoto,' Yazzie replied, and began to spank my bottom.

  'That's a sight worth seeing!' Portia laughed. 'Just look at her face – what a priceless expression!'

  I didn't answer, knowing that to rise to the bait would only make things worse for me, especially once Portia's own turn arrived. Instead, I tried not to react to the stinging slaps being applied to my bottom. Yazzie was small, and not too strong, but she knew how to spank so I obviously wasn't the first girl across her lap. But she wasn't trying to hurt me, either, content merely to impress on me what was being done, and for once I managed to maintain some dignity.

  'That is enough from me,' she said, and it stopped.

odie! My turn!' Tiffany squealed. 'Get up, Yazzie.'

  I'd already half risen, which was all I needed to do, as they swapped places so fast that Tiffany caught my arm and pulled me down over her knee before I'd even had a chance to rub my now-warm cheeks.

  'I am really going to enjoy this!' she declared as she took hold and began to spank me, only to stop after just a half-dozen smacks. 'Hang on, this needs to be done.'

  As Tiffany spoke she had pulled up my knickers. Now she adjusted them carefully across my bottom, so that the nylon was evenly spread across my bumcheeks to show my shape.

  'Knickers down, Isabelle!' she mocked, and suited her actions to her words, easing my panties slowly back down over my bottom to lay me bare once more. 'And . . . whoops a daisy!'

  She'd pulled my cheeks wide, suddenly, catching me completely by surprise and deliberately showing my bottom-hole off to the entire room. All I could manage was a squeak of surprise and consternation, which was drowned by laughter from over half my audience.

  'Do you know?' Tiffany asked, still holding my cheeks apart. 'You have ever such a rude bottom-hole – it's all brown.'

  'I know,' I admitted sulkily. 'Now could you get on with it?'

  'Temper, temper,' she chided. 'But fair enough, since you're so eager for your spanking here goes.'

  Tiffany began once more to smack, with more enthusiasm than accuracy, catching my thighs and hips. It stung dreadfully. I had to bite my lip hard to stop myself losing control, and she was bringing the heat to my sex with embarrassing speed.

  'I smell pussy,' she said suddenly, and the spanking stopped again. 'Oh, you bad girl!'

  I gasped in shock as Tiffany inserted a finger deep up my vagina.

  'You're all wet!' she chided, and began to spank me with her other hand as she eased her finger in and out of my cunt-hole. 'All wet and ready, and all because you're having your bottom smacked, you dirty, dirty girl!'

  Her voice was full of laughter, adding to my nearly unbearable consternation as she spanked and fingered me, and yet there was no denying what her actions had done to me.

  'Seeing as she's on heat,' Tiffany remarked as she slipped a hand between my thighs, cupping my pussy, 'shall I bring her off, girls? Shall I make her come while she's having her little bottom smacked? I bet it's easy.'

  'You're being a bit greedy, actually, Tiffy,' Portia put in.

  'You'll get your turn,' Tiffany answered, starting to masturbate me from behind as she slapped at my cheeks. 'Just let me get the little dirtbag off.'

  'Later, perhaps, Tiffany,' Eliza instructed. 'We don't want to waste the entire evening on Isabelle's punishment. Remember, too, that she is supposed to spend time upstairs in disgrace.'

  'OK, I suppose I can wait,' Tiffany agreed grudgingly. 'But I want to play with her later, because I know she won't let me once she gets back on her big domination trip.'

  She'd let me up as she spoke, and now she stood herself, taking a quick glance at the finger she'd had inside me before speaking again.

  'Open wide.'

  I obeyed automatically, allowing Tiffany to push her finger into my mouth to have me clean up my own juices.

  'Slut,' she said. 'Who's next, then?'

  'I am,' Katie said. 'Come on, Isabelle.'

  There was sympathy in her voice as she spoke, but her tone was still firm. In a way it was even more humiliating to be punished by her than by Yazzie and Tiffany. Katie was my girlfriend, my pet, the girl who had chosen me to give her the discipline she craved, and now I had to go bare-bottom over her knee.

  She took me by the hand as she reached me, and kept hold as she settled herself onto the chair. I felt limp as I was laid back into position, and found I no longer cared about my legs being apart or what I was showing behind. Just two spankings and my will was already giving way, although what Tiffany had done had hardly been fair.

  'I'm not going to do this hard,' Katie said as she began to spank me, 'because you know I don't think it was all your fault. But I am still going to do it, because that's what's been decided, and this club's only going to work if we all pull together.'

  I nodded weakly, knowing that she was right, and that she was right to take her turn just as I was right to accept their verdict. That didn't stop me imagining how I'd take out my feelings on her once I'd got her alone, especially as her enthusiasm grew and she began to spank harder. Soon I was having to bite my lip again to keep control, and the last half-dozen spanks hurt more than anything I'd been given so far.

  'There we are,' Katie said as she bent to kiss my bottom. 'That wasn't so bad, was it?'

  It was hard to know how to reply when, for all my chagrin, the juice from my pussy had begun to trickle down the insides of my thighs. Just three of the eleven others had now spanked me, and already my head was full of thoughts of being made to masturbate in front of them, or to give oral sex to each of them in turn.

  Caroline replaced Katie on the spanking chair and over I went once more. She was brisk and firm, but she took her time, bringing me to the very edge of losing my dignity completely before she stopped. Only when she'd finished did she really make me suffer, pushing me off her lap to rise before she turned to push out her bottom, with her big bum cheeks straining out the seat of her tiny khaki shorts.

  'Kiss it,' she demanded.

  I couldn't stop myself. It was no part of the punishment and I didn't have to, but I found myself rocking forward, my lips puckered up, to plant a single gentle kiss on the crest of one big khaki-clad bottom cheek. Caroline chuckled and walked away, resuming her seat on Walter's lap. I was left on the floor, kneeling, with my whole body shaking badly as Portia got to her feet.

  'I have been waiting for this for months,' she stated, 'and I'm going to take my time with her. If you don't like that, then you can deal with me later, OK?'

  Nobody contradicted her and she sat down, looking at me in cruel amusement as she patted the taut corduroy of her jodhpurs. I crawled over her lap, bracing myself as I had before, only for her to hook a leg around the back of one of my knees, spreading my pussy wider still and making my bum cheeks open to show off the rude brown hole between them. I began to sob as Portia's hand went to my bottom, but instead of starting to spank me she merely took a squeeze of my flesh, then turned her attention to my blouse.

  'Not my breasts,' I pleaded as she tweaked open a button. 'You don't need my breasts showing to spank me.'

  'You always do it to me,' Portia pointed out. 'Doesn't she, girls?'

  'Being made to go bare-breasted is good for your humility, Isabelle,' Jasmine said, mimicking my accent and putting on a deliberately haughty voice.

  I shut up as my shirt was opened, thinking of all the times I'd lifted their tops or unbuttoned their blouses to show their breasts off during spankings. Because of my waistcoat Portia had to pull each breast out, leaving them bulging from the neckline in a froth of blue nylon, which made me feel more foolish and exposed than ever.

  'That's better,' Portia declared. 'And now, Isabelle, for your spanking.'

  She gripped me hard around my waist and laid in, swinging her shoulders to get as much force as possible to my bottom as she spanked me. Three hard swats and my desperate efforts to maintain my dignity ended. It just hurt too much, while the way she was holding me meant there was no escape from the pain. I began to shake my head and kick about with my free leg, even though it did nothing to reduce my pain. In no time she had me thrashing in her grip and begging her to stop.

  'Portia, please, I'm not used to it . . . it's been too long!'

  'I couldn't agree more,' she answered me, gasping the words out because of the effort she was putting into dealing with my bottom. 'It's been far too long!'

  'She used to get it from Eliza every week,' Sarah explained to Tiffany. 'But that was last summer, and it's been ages since Portia had her.'

  'I think she needs it,' Tiffany answered.

  At those words I burst into tears, because she was right. At least I felt I needed it now, with my b
ottom ablaze under Portia's hand and my entire body as ready for sex as at any time I could remember. I needed spanking, hard, and then to be put on my knees in front of the women who'd punished me to thank them in the best way I knew, with my tongue, and to suck the men off too. I'd lost control – the pain and arousal was just too much – and when Portia finally stopped and rolled me off her lap I collapsed to the floor, my knees up and open, my arms spread wide, my face a wet mess of tears and mucus, my pussy wetter still.

  They could have had me there and then, making me service them one by one, but the rest of them were still firmly in control and the spanking continued. Jasmine went next, telling me that I wasn't worthy to be her Mistress as she slapped at my cheeks and pinched my nipples. Next came Sarah, genuinely angry for what I'd done, holding me firmly in place and spanking harder even than Portia to leave me snivelling brokenly on the floor, my eyes streaming tears. Eliza picked me up and gave me much the same treatment, only stern and silent, like a mother giving some badly needed but regrettable discipline to an errant daughter.

  By the time she'd finished every last scrap of dignity and pride had been spanked out of me. It didn't even feel inappropriate to be put across Walter Jessop's knee and felt up while he spanked me, with his clammy fingers pawing my breasts and opening my bum cheeks to probe my bottom-hole. For Dr Treadle I was willing, wriggling my bottom and sticking it up for him as he spanked me with a caress to my cheeks between every slap of his palm. Duncan came last, and I well and truly disgraced myself by asking if he'd like his cock sucked when he'd finished with me. I was on my knees with his fly half undone before Eliza stopped me, turning from where she'd been pouring herself a glass of wine at the sideboard.

  'Not with Isabelle, please, Duncan. She is to be caned and sent upstairs.'